About Us

About Us

We host an annual event that celebrates the year’s best books. We have several hundred people attend our feast each year, making it the biggest book club event in the world. We welcome people from around the world to come and join our discussion!

Why Us

With people from across the globe, all who love to read, you will enjoy great conversation about this year’s best books. In addition, each day will be full of delicious food, entertainment and time to socialize with like-minded people. Books bring people together, we just give you a place to meet!

Only The Dedicated

To ensure you maximise the enjoyment of Readers Feast, we have ensured that only the most hardcore book fans can join. This is to ensure that no matter the meeting


Address: 6 Tarakan Ave Enfield SA


Phone: 1300 1578 33
Email: admin@readersfeast.com.au